Social Networks and Business: How to go about it?

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In 2021, it is essential for your business to be present on social networks. In addition to being able to help you make additional sales , social networks can greatly contribute to developing the notoriety of your business . As you might imagine, social networks occupy a growing place in our society.

A study carried out by CEFRIO (2018) revealed that 83% of Quebec adults use social networks for personal purposes and that 65% of them connect to it at least once a day. Discover our tips for developing your presence on social networks.

Your company's social networks and your target customers

Your company's social networks and your target customers

All social media strategies require knowing who you want to reach. Clearly determining your target audience will help you subsequently guide the guidelines that will dictate the content to be published on your various social networks.

In addition, a well-defined target audience will allow you to build publications and advertisements that will really speak to your audience in addition to allowing you to save on your acquisition costs . Here are the main types of targeting on Facebook and Instagram:

  • Locations: country, state/province, city and zip code

  • Demographic targeting: age, gender, romantic status, professional training, workplace, etc.

  • Interests: Users' interests, hobbies, and pages they like on Facebook

  • Behaviors: purchasing behaviors, type of device used, etc.

  • Custom audiences: allows you to download a list of contacts you want to reach (or not reach) and focus Facebook ads on these people (email or pixel)

  • Lookalike audiences: Once you create a custom audience, you can also use lookalike audiences to find people who look like your best customers

What type of post should I post on social media?

What type of post should I post on social media?

When you publish content on your social networks, always ask yourself if it is useful to your community. The content published should be original and consistent with your brand image. Ultimately, social media users buy from businesses they know, like and trust.

This is why your published content should respect the 80/20 rule, that is to say 80% of the content you share should be valuable content (presenting your products, your promotions, your competitions, your blogs, etc.) and 20% of the content you share should be dedicated to making your company known (presenting who you are, what your values ​​are, who your team members are, what accreditations you have, etc.).

Such a practice will not only allow you to expand your community by adding members with the desired profile, but will also allow you to stimulate the commitment of your current clientele .

Ultimately, the best tip to stand out and succeed on social media is to use authenticity in the content you share. Remember, these are real human beings on the other side of the screen!

Where and when to post to help you accomplish your business goals?

Where and when to post to help you accomplish your business goals?

Once you've determined who your target audience is and what types of posts you want to share, the best practice to adopt is to use an editorial calendar . The aim of an editorial calendar is to bring together all future publications in a single outline.

Often, businesses will opt for an editorial calendar on a monthly basis. This allows you to adapt according to performance and create publications that are related to current events (for example, based on the opening or closing of businesses due to precautions related to COVID-19).

However, this is not obligatory. Choose a calendar format that meets your business needs . Here are some key elements to include in your editorial calendar:

  • Temporality: Determine the day of the week, date and time of your posts

  • Location: Determine which social network you want to publish your content on. For very busy editorial calendars, it may be interesting to create an editorial calendar for each of your social networks (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube, etc.)

  • Objective: It is important to determine what the objective is for each of your publications: generate traffic, generate engagement, educate your community, etc.

  • Message: Create your publications in full. Decide what message will be posted, what photo or video will be uploaded, and what hashtags will be used

Posting content on social media as a business should not be taken lightly. Pay attention to spelling mistakes and consider feedback from your community. Post frequently and be sure to revisit your strategy when necessary. On social media, it is important for a business to be proactive and not reactive. And you, what is your #1 tip for publishing quality content on your social networks?

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