The company newsletter: good practices to adopt

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Communicating important and relevant information to your target customers is not only done via social networks. The newsletter is an effective and inexpensive way to reach your customers and prospects. Discover the best practices to adopt to write a successful company newsletter.

What is a business newsletter?

What is a company newsletter?

Newsletter, newsletter, email marketing, electronic newsletter… Whatever you call it, this type of communication is a real gold mine for businesses. The newsletter is an editorial and/or commercial e-mail sent periodically to your subscribers' inboxes.

Why create a company newsletter?

Why create a company newsletter?

The company newsletter is a way to communicate with your customers and prospects. On a regular basis, you can transmit informative content to your target audience. The newsletter, in addition to being an effective tool for bringing traffic to your web page , can greatly contribute to developing a bond of trust between your readers and your business.

How to establish a business newsletter strategy?

How to establish a business newsletter strategy?

The first important question that you must ask yourself as a business before starting to write your newsletter is the following: What information does your target clientele need? To answer this question, it is appropriate to have a round table discussion with the members of your team. You may sometimes be surprised by the interventions in such a discussion. Not all members of your team have the same proximity to your target customers. Think for example of customer service teams, the sales department or even employees working in marketing. During this roundtable, take notes so that you can establish the communication strategy for your newsletter.

Another way to find ideas for content to appear in your newsletter is to go directly to the source, or appeal to your target audience. What are the questions that come up most often? What comments appear under your Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and Youtube posts? Analyze Google reviews and don’t hesitate to push the search across all of your channels. You might even decide to create a post on your social media that explicitly asks what people think about your business, what they like, what they would like to know, etc.

Once you have taken note of the needs and comments of your customers and subscribers and have had a discussion with your team members, you can now move on to the stage of developing a newsletter strategy for your business. Determine the guideline that your newsletter will follow and put down ideas for content that you think will be interesting for your target audience: informative content, blogs, promotions, etc.

What content should appear in your newsletter?

What content should appear in your newsletter?

An important thing to keep in mind when writing your newsletter content is that most of your readers will not read your entire newsletter. Be relevant and concise in your writing. Avoid dragging yourself out by writing long, dense texts with no real relevance for your readers. Prefer writing in paragraph form and above all don't forget to encourage your readers to action. A good newsletter, in addition to being relevant to your target audience, should encourage interaction.

Remember one of the objectives pursued by the company newsletter: to establish a link between your readers and your company. You could insert a link redirecting to your website, to an article relevant to your readers or to your social networks. You could also create an interactive newsletter where your subscribers could give their opinion on your business directly in the email. You could also decide to share your brand new promotion and encourage customers to purchase with a promo code specially dedicated to the newsletter. The idea is to encourage readers to take action via your newsletter. As a result, the reader is no longer in passive mode, where he only receives information, but he is literally encouraged to take action.

Additionally, when writing your newsletter, be sure to develop a catchy title and an overview that will attract attention. You are not the only company that sends newsletters, quite the contrary. This increasingly popular practice is experiencing significant growth in business strategies. This is why you must use your creativity in order to surprise and stimulate the interest of your readers. Don’t be afraid to use emojis and insert eye-catching photos into the content.

In 2018, approximately 281 billion newsletters were sent and received daily around the world ( Statista, 2021 ). This number, according to various forecasts, would increase to nearly 347 billion daily newsletters by 2023. The growth of business newsletters is phenomenal. If you don't have a newsletter yet, it would be an excellent idea to look into it soon. This means of communication is effective and inexpensive to reach your target customers in a relevant way. And you, what is your newsletter strategy?

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