Black Friday: How to prepare your e-commerce

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It's no secret: the holiday season is a crucial time for retailers — and online commerce risks crushing competition again this year. Internet will be THE most popular destination for holiday shopping and the famous Black Friday and Cyber Monday weekend .

Black Friday offers small businesses a unique opportunity to attract the attention of their target consumers as they embark on the conquest of the shopping party. Make sure your business gets the most out of this season by getting ready in advance — even if there's not much time left.

Create and determine a target audience for Black Friday

black friday persona marketing

Before Black Friday arrives, it's important that you take the time to determine exactly who you're targeting with your campaigns — in other words, your target audience.

Perhaps you already have a good idea who it is, but if you do not, you will have to think about who would be interested in your brand and products. You can get a good idea of your target audience by visiting the pages of other e-commerce brands similar to yours. Go to their social media accounts to see who interacts with their content — these are the people you'll be marketing with during Black Friday.

Watch and listen to customers on different social media. Customers will talk with friends and family about the Christmas items they would like most to receive and probably even about Black Friday events. Give priority to your time on social media to review this valuable content.

A friction-free shopping experience at Black Friday

black friday marketing idées

Make sure that your site is compatible with mobile devices: if it's not already done, you will certainly not be able to take advantage of sales, as more and more buyers are using smartphones for their purchases. More and more customers operate in this way which is the simplest way for them. Whether it's in the queue of a business, at work, or even on public transit, no matter where they are, customers can click and buy from anywhere.

Hiring additional staff: this will not be necessary for all businesses, but if you are one or two people, you may need additional help during busy periods. A small team can easily be overwhelmed by orders, especially if staff members are sick for a few days.

Extend your turnaround times: it's always better to overestimate your shipping and delivery times rather than disappoint customers with delivery delays. If you need to maintain a shipment on the same day or in one day because you sell on eBay or Amazon, it may be interesting to hire part-time staff.

Check the speed of your site and the payment process and make sure it is as good and easy as possible; a slow site means no sale. Black Friday buyers are unstable: they have thousands of stores to choose from and a limited time to make. They will leave your shop if their order does not work properly.

On the Internet, a lack of speed will certainly annoy customers. In fact, 46% of buyers said they would never return to a slow website according to Google. You want to make sure that this does not happen on your site in this busy time!

Preparation is the key to success!

black friday marketing checklist

If you are master of your marketing campaigns during Black Friday, then you can expect a significant increase in traffic on your page. The worst thing that can happen after you've managed to attract a ton of traffic to your page is that they leave without making a purchase, simply because your e-commerce was not prepared.

There is a lot to do to create a craze on your online page. You have your product pages, product photos, the design of your site is perfect, the navigation is done well, the payment process works... The list is long. In addition, if you rely on a supplier for your store inventory, you will want to verify that your supplier has enough inventory to cope with a potential increase in demand.

Make sure you have sufficient inventory and stay above your inventory levels so you don't oversell items. Impress first buyers: It's likely that you'll have a lot of new customers throughout Black Friday and the pre-Christmas period, so make sure you have all your processes in place so you can deliver fast, trouble-free delivery and impress them well.

Are you ready for Black Friday?


you feel ready for the holiday rush? With Black Friday and holiday sales, you can use these tips to make sure your site is ready to handle e-commerce and holiday rush. What is your strategy for your online store during this Black Friday sale?

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